There are 21 fully functional computer laboratories each equipped with up to 35-36 Dell PCs with Intel Core-i7 processors, 16GB RAM and 256GB-512GB SSD disk storage.

In addition to these, there are 5 (five) fully equipped hardware based IoT and Microprocessor labs with state-of-the-art equipment readily available for teaching-learning and experiments.
The lab environments are conducive to teaching and learning and provide ample opportunities for handson activities by each of the students.
The current IT infrastructure supports minimum 1000 Mbps Internet connectivity throughout the campus and campus wide WiFi. We have 35 (thirty five) massive Dell PowerEdge servers with maximum 256 GB RAM to run the university’s internal and external applications.
There are currently multiple high configuration GPU servers equipped with NVidia Rtx Geforce 3090 32 GB and NVIDIA Titan XP. These GPU machines are available for use by the students through remote access. They can submit their compute hungry jobs to these servers from any place.